Online Tutor Malaysia
Your One Stop Online Lessons For Excellence
Online Tutor Malaysia : Your One Stop Online Lessons For Excellence
About Us
Online Tutor Malaysia is a leading online tutorial platform that aims to provide quality education to students across Malaysia. We understand the importance of academic excellence and strive to make learning accessible and convenient for every student. Our platform offers exam-focused lessons for a range of subjects, including Pengajian Am, Sejarah, Perniagaan, Economics & Business Studies. Our team of experienced tutors is committed to delivering comprehensive and engaging lessons that equip students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in their exams.
Subjects We Cover
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Trusted by Thousand of Students and Parents
We care for mother nature
1 Student 1 Plant Program
Online Tutor Malaysia has also initiated the ‘1 Plant 1 Student’ that is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (UNSDG) to conserve and preserve the environment led by Mr Farrell & Mr Vela.
Be apart of this program that is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (UNSDG) to conserve and preserve the environment.
Latest Articles @Online Tutor Malaysia
Online Tutor Malaysia: Offering Personalized Learning in Sejarah, Geography, Economics and More
With the advent of technology, online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. And with the pandemic forcing schools to close their doors and shift to online learning, the demand for online tutors has never been higher. That’s where Online Tutor Malaysia comes in. Co-founded by Mr Farrell and Mr Vela, Online Tutor Malaysia
Calon SPM ; Jangan Risau Soalan KBAT
Ditulis oleh Mastercoach Mr. Farrell, “Online Tuition Malaysia. Sejarah adalah satu subjek yang penting dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). Salah satu aspek penting dalam peperiksaan Sejarah SPM adalah kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT). Pelajar perlu dapat memahami bukan sahaja fakta sejarah, tetapi juga dapat memahami, mengkritik, dan menilai maklumat sejarah. Bagi pelajar yang menghadapi
Teknik Pembelajaran Terbaik untuk Ekonomi SPM: Menggunakan cara ini untuk mudah skor A+
Ditulis oleh Mastercoach Mr. Farrell, “Online Tuition Malaysia” Belajar subjek ekonomi bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah untuk pelajar SPM di Malaysia. Mata pelajaran ekonomi memerlukan banyak persediaan, penguasaan teori, dan pemahaman yang kompleks, dan mungkin menghabiskan banyak masa untuk belajar. Oleh itu, adalah penting bagi pelajar untuk memahami teknik ulangkaji yang akan membantu mereka terus berjaya